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Clark Consulting


Meeting today's goals and envisioning a new tomorrow

What's New

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New book on K-12 online and blended education announced! Co-edited with Michael K. Barbour, Foreword by Cathy Cavanaugh.


Visit our Amazon page.  


Online, Blended and Distance Education in Schools: Building Successful Programs (Stylus Publishers, 2015).  


Check out the Book's Wiki Page!

MS White Paper

White Paper on Quality Assurance for Microsoft's global school Transformation Framework (Oct. 2014)

Co-authored study on  evaluation and approval of online and blended learning in states (July 2014)

White Paper with Evalsolutions on innovative Math teaching and Ed Reform. (December 2014)


MSP White Paper

ms in ed cover thumbnail
mivlri eval paper 2014 thumbnail
stim math thinking 12-2014 124 x 165